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Obtaining a Financial License in Serbia

Obtaining a Financial License in Serbia

To obtain a financial license in Serbia and launch a business here, you need to be formally registered with the appropriate authority. However, specific activities require additional approval due to their unique nature. Financial licenses in Serbia are issued by relevant institutions following a submitted application. If you are planning…
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Open an Investment Fund in Serbia

Open an Investment Fund in Serbia

If you want to open an investment fund in Serbia, you can opt for the support offered by our specialists. There are two types of investment funds available in Serbia which can be handy options due to the advantages presented. In the following lines, you can find out information about…
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Sole Trader in Serbia

Sole Trader in Serbia

The process of setting up a sole proprietorship in Serbia is straightforward, requiring minimal prerequisites to enter the market. Locally, a sole proprietorship is known as 'preduzetnik'. If you are planning to become a sole trader in Serbia, it is recommended to hire expert help. Our company formation specialists in Serbia can assist you in…
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Fiscal Representative in Serbia

Fiscal Representative in Serbia

The fiscal representative in Serbia is the one who facilitates the collaboration between tax authorities and natural or legal persons. Everything starts with the registration for the payment of taxes of those who request this. However, there are other responsibilities that you can discover in the following lines, mentioning that…
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Open an SPV in Serbia

Open an SPV in Serbia

If you want to open an SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) in Serbia, you should consider the services offered by our local agents. Company formation in Serbia requires attention in terms of formalities including for opening an SPV in Serbia. In the following lines, you can discover some information about the…
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Open a Joint Stock Company in Serbia

Open a Joint Stock Company in Serbia

A joint stock company in Serbia is a legal entity and it can be established by Serbian Company Law. One of our company formation specialists in Serbia is at your disposal with information about the formalities involved and can manage the procedures from the start. In the following lines, you can read about how…
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Payroll in Serbia

Payroll in Serbia

Company owners can opt for payroll services in Serbia and collaborate with one of our specialists. Payroll in Serbia involves the formalities and procedures for calculating salaries and distributing them in the company to employees. In the following lines, you will be able to discover information about Serbian payroll taxes and the procedures involved in this…
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Open a Cryptocurrency Company in Serbia

Open a Cryptocurrency Company in Serbia

There is a series of formalities, according to the New Law on Digital Assets (LDA), which allows investors to open a cryptocurrency company in Serbia. Below we present information on how to open a company in Serbia, particularly in the virtual currency sector, with the mention that our company formation agents in…
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Startup in Serbia

Startup in Serbia

Both domestic and foreign entrepreneurs can enter the startup ecosystem in Serbia, a prolific and prepared environment for such businesses. The registration of a startup in Serbia is a simple process that can be overseen by one of our company formation representatives in Serbia. We can handle the paperwork, business licenses, and permits, tax…
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